Sunday, January 15, 2006

Starry (Stare) Decisis

I was driving my car during a brief report. Okay, maybe not brief. About Alito the Supreme Court Nominee. The reporter started talking about "Starry Decisis". I thought this might have been a porn star that Alito had an affair with. Now I have been alive since Truman was president and I have never heard this expression before.

I think it would be good to give the justices fake stage names when they enter the court. Maybe Starry Decisis would be a good name. They say we are our names. It would be like a 9 member singing group. They are the Supremes after all.

So that was a year ago, I had saved this as a draft and now Elliot Spitzer. Uh oh Elliot, you have been a bad boy. His alias was "Client 9". Boring. He spent $80 grand on high priced nooky while keeping us safe from fiscal immorality. I feel good about that.