We are getting arty money in America. Sort of. Not quite like Europe or some third world countries that have cool animals or popular humans in weird clothing posing in watermarks. Oh wait, we are getting some of that. Coins are always changing now. Quarters for every state. Have you noticed as the quarters are issued from first to last state they are getting more and more boring? And hard to tell what they are depicting? I hear that states fight each other for things like birds and animals and crops and bridges.
They are redoing the Jefferson Nickel. Tom will be large and sort of smirking. Where did I see that face before? Some sadistic villain in a movie. with funny sadistic teeth. yes, Willem Dafoe. William the Foe! What were they thinking? I wonder if this is some sort of in your face advertising gimmick for a movie about Jefferson with Willem as the lead. You know, the movie that tells the truth about Tommy and his slaves. TV ads don't work anymore, everyone tivos right past them.
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